Highlights from the 2022 MIPS Final Rule: Performance Categories - Promoting Interoperability and Improvement Activities
Promoting Interoperability: The category continues to represent 25 percent of the Total Composite Score, and in 2022, clinical social workers and certified nurse midwives were added as a new Eligible Clinician types.
There were some aspects of the proposed rule that were not
finalized as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) wants to clarify their requirements, but the changes to the
Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange objective were finalized and will be
required in 2022. The two required actions are the Immunizations Registry
Reporting and the Electronic Case Reporting. An optional five bonus points will
be available if you report to a third registry. In addition, CMS will continue to make the Query of PDMP optional and
worth 10 bonus points. Practices are
encouraged to add the Query of PDMP to their EHR to take advantage of the bonus
CMS also added the SAFER Guides to the Protect Patient
Health Information objective. Similar to
how a practice would report on a Security Risk Analysis, this is a yes or no
Improvement Activities: The minimum reporting of 90 days for IA activities is still
required and is worth 15 percent of the Total Composite Score. Most clinicians will
need to implement and attest to two-four improvement activities (each activity is
individually weighted) to receive the maximum score of 40 points.
CMS added seven new improvement activities, three of which are related to promoting health equity; modified 15 current activities and removed six previously adopted activities.
CMS also finalized revising group reporting requirements for the 50 percent threshold to address subgroups – groups or virtual groups submitting a yes attestation must have at least 50 percent of the NPIs that are billing under the group’s TIN or virtual group’s TIN.
The above information was taken from a webinar – Quality Reporting Engagement Group 2022 MIPS Final Rule, presented in December 2021. For more information or answer to questions, contact the team of experts at info@intrinsiq.com.