Looking ahead for MIPS in 2025 – what has changed, what hasn’t
MIPS measures:
There have not been a lot of changes for PI or IA measures for 2025. The 180 days of reporting under PI will continue as it was for this past year, but the number of activities required to complete in the IA category was reduced and point values (high-weight, medium-weight) were removed. Providers are encouraged to look to ensure that activities they reported on in the past continue to be in the inventory of activities provided by CMS.
In the Quality category, CMS finalized some new measures and made some substantive changes in others. Practices who chose those new measures will get some automatic points just for reporting, and as benchmarks are created, the “incentives” are removed.
Six new measures were added in the Cost category – and the team expects new measures every year as CMS is looking to have every provider scored on some form of a Cost measure. Measures can be considered for removal, but what may benefit a practice is a new methodology which changes the benchmarking, potentially benefiting providers who may see some increased scoring from previous years.
The consulting team provides webinars to educate practices on specific changes and information CMS’ Proposed and Final Rules.
Our MIPS Consulting team works with 19 different specialties in over 200 practices and 30 different EMR platforms to help those providers in trying to maximize their revenues from CMS’ MIPS submissions. The team has completed nearly 30,000 submissions under MU. PQRS and MIPS since 2011. If you are interested in learning more about how they can partner with you, reach out at 877-570-8721 or by emailing info@intrinsiq.com.