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Drive results with InfoDiveĀ® business coaches


As an oncology practice, you may not have the time or resources to use the data in your InfoDive portal to make actionable decisions. As a practice with the InfoDive solution, you have access to a business coach who will help analyze your data and give you some actionable insights to consider.  When practices using the business coaching services were surveyed, 95% of them* noted that having a business coach work collaboratively with them really enhances their use of InfoDive.


Through monthly touchpoints, your practice can focus on a topic important to you. Your practice could be interested in the productivity of your providers, coding and its optimization, finding drug claims paid below cost, or even your biosimilar uptake and its financial impact. The business coach works with you to provide a summary of the issues important to you, then takes a deeper dive to find opportunities to make a positive impact. The coaches work hand in hand with you to create the reports that make most sense for your practice.

As an example, one of our InfoDive business coaches examined the provider productivity of a practice with multiple sites. On the surface, everything looked great and productivity was up. But as the coach went deeper into the data, they found one location was not doing well. With that information and the analytics around the potential “whys”, the practice had some opportunities to make changes and hopefully bring that location back to the productivity level of all their other locations.

How do the business coaches help to improve your performance? First is the analysis of your data in InfoDive, then identifying opportunities and investigating your processes to find ways for improvement and tips to help you implement those updated processes. Business coaches also provide ongoing support to help your practice perform at an optimal level.

Contact us at to learn more about how a business coach can help maximize your revenue potential. The use of a business coach is built into the InfoDive subscription for oncology practices.

* Internal survey, December 2023